Photo of Oscar Menéndez Argentina

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Oscar Menendez

The Way of Color to Form

Is from Buenos Aires, where he was born in 1954 and formed his family of his wife and three daughters. Graduated...

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11.81 x 15.75 in
Net Art/Digital Art
11.81 x 15.75 in
Net Art/Digital Art
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Photo of Oscar Menéndez Argentina

Oscar Menendez

The Way of Color to Form

Is from Buenos Aires, where he was born in 1954 and formed his family of his wife and three daughters. Graduated from Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Integral between the years 1983/89 Arts Workshop Painting Workshop and Professor Daniel Habbeger in the Anthroposophical Society. From 1997 he began to work in the Christian Community on The Colors of Worship and the Human Soul with a group of members and friends, a fact which allowed him to develop a road in the painting. The Waldorf Pedagogical Seminary and was working, since 1994 giving organic architecture, the essence of art as a coordinator and professor of painting since 1997.

This was the beginning of a period of intense work and discovery of painting as a social and individual way that led him to explore different parts of the country. Task that accompany the process now allows for conformation different groups of pre-seminar from the artistic and as interior journey.

He has also performed in Lima, Peru workshops and art exhibits at conferences and meetings of the Christian Community.

With the aim of develop the way of color to form, study in the workshop of Professor Alicia Cabezas shape modeling. In 2003, states in Art Biennial of Buenos Aires Beccar sculpture and getting a mention in the House Buenos Aires, paintings of the Community Workshop Christians and sculptures.

Following the last exposure is the origin of the forms and models, which began the work outlined, which continues today to develop personally and pedagogically in Pedagogical Seminary over the course of modeling.

Also starting from this year to teach AAMA paint

(Asociación Argentina de Medicina Antoposofica) training courses for health professionals.

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